Controversy begets controversy.
Why are you reading all these reviews?... Ask yourself.
Anyway. I find it very hard to believe that what is portrayed in this flash animation is accurate. The quotes may well be true but the spin on them is unjustifiably harsh.
I too wondered if anyone would have the guts to critisise Moore's character. The fact that the guy made a movie which was about raising awareness of gun control in the US is a noble one. His attacks at groups which profit from the deaths of innocents overseas are completely justified and masterful. He has shown some real guts to expose what exactly is wrong with America today. I thought more and more about what kind of person would DARE to judge someone who is only trying to get across an objective point of view.
I will praise the research taken in this movie. It's a good thing that the person making this had some solid points to back up their statement. I'm sure that Mr Moore seriously considers the fact that the character in his movie was played by a black guy to be a harsh blow to his credability.
Furthermore SAYING that Michael Moore hates America had better be backed up with a quotation resembling "I hate America".
Don't you realise "Mr Walrus" (if that is your real name), that your own webpage is full of racist slander? Having upper-caps when saying the word 'French' is surely an attempt to ralley the support of people who hate the French. The Cannes Film Festival has been held every year in France and remains an institution of all films. Most US movies make it there as well, you know (Shrek 2 for example).
You also mention that the film grossed more than 100 million dollars in the American box office. Does this mean that all these Americans going to see the movie are socialist, racist, fucking morons too?
Spending all your time to research a man that people DO care about, ridiculing that man because you're jealous that people DO listen to him and animating a purple dragon to rant out your frustrations because you think that it will make any difference is what makes YOU the fucking moron.
I wasted 15 minutes to write this... I like your show... but be careful where you go with it from now on. I'm sure you're happy that you used the controversy from this subject to make more people download your cartoon, visit your site and give you your job.
Critisising other people is not my job. But if turning into a petti-minded, jealous asshole like you is the alternative then I'll stick to enjoying Moore's work.
Thank you for NOT reading my comment.